BAAZEX Liquidity Solutions
Baazex offers access to pricing on over 1500 FX, CFD and options markets, making it easy for investors to get the tight pricing they need to succeed. With one account or API connection, investors can quickly and easily get access to the markets that matter most to them.

Baazex Global Markets
Baazex provides access to the global markets for everyone, regardless
of account size. Trade on tight spreads from 0.1 pips*
Why to access BAAZEX Liquidity?
API connection
Connect our pricing with your algos or third-party platform through our FIX API.
Become a PartnerMT5 Bridge
Our liquidity is ready to plug and play with major MT5 bridge providers, so you can easily expand your selection of products to your MT5 customers.
Become a PartnerInstitutional Trading Account
Take positions or hedge risk with an institutional trading account. Our trading account offers deep liquidity and tight spreads on hundreds of global markets
Become a Partner
Learn more about BAAZEX Liquidity solutions
Our devoted managers are ready to help.
Contact us now.
Fast account opening in 3 simple steps
Fill in the registration form on Baazex website.
Make your initial deposit to fund your account.
Start trading and enjoy the profits!
Fast and reliable methods.
At the time of deposit and also withdrawal